Male Dogs Names with Meaning (A to Z)

Male Dogs Names with Meaning

Male Dogs Names with Meaning
Name    Meaning

Adelfried        (Descendants’ Protector)

Adelino          (Noble)

Adler               (Eagle)

Adolph           (Noble Wolf)

Adelrico         (Powerful. Rich)

Adelbert         (Famous for Nobility)

Ahren             (Eagle)

Alaric              (Noble Ruler)

Albern             (Noble Warrior)

Alder               (Alder Tree)

Alger               (Noble. Bright)

Alphonse       (Noble Estate)

Alvin               (Friend To All)

Aken               (Town Name)

Ancel              (Diety)

Arnold            (Eagle; Powerful)

Aldo                (Aged & Wise)

Aldous           (See Aldo).

Alfred             (King of Wessex)

Armond          (Guardian)

Arendt            (Historian & Philosopher)

Arne               (Eagle)

Arvin               (Friend to All)

August           (Exalted. Revered)

Axel                (Peaceful).

Axel                (Father of Peace)

Baldwin         (Bold Friend)

 Barend          (Bear)

Barrett            (Strong As A Bear)

Bergen           (Mountain, Hill Dweller)

. Bernard        (Brave As A Bear)

. Bert               (Bright & Shining)

. Bertram        (Bright)

Bethold          (Bright Ruler)

Bruno             (Brown Haired)

Bryon             (Cottage)

. Burke           (Birch Tree)

. Bach             (German composer)

. Barette         (Bear-brave)

. Baron           (Low Rank Nobleman)

Ballard           (Warrior)

Benno            (Brave Like A Bear)

Berger            (Mountain Dweller)

Beethoven    (German composer)

Benz               (Mercedes-Benz)

Berg                (German City.)

Berg                (Austrian Composer)

Berlin             (Germany’s Capital)

Bismarck        (German statesman).

Blitz                (Sudden Attack)

Blaz                Unwavering Protector)

Bonn              (German City)

Boris               (Czar of Russia)

Brantley         (Sword)

Britz                (German city)

Bruno             (Brown)

Buddy             (Seeing-Eye dog – 1928)

Bud                 (Herald. Friend)

Burgh             (Protection)

Burke             (Fortification)

Carl                 (Farmer)

Charles          (Farmer)

Claus             (Form Of Nicholas)

Clovis             (Famous Warrior)

Conrad           (Brave Counsel)

Chance          (Good Luck)

Dietrich          (People’s Ruler)

Dagobert        (Shining Sun)

Derick             (Ruler Of The People)

Dieter             (The People's Ruler)

Dolf                 (Form Of Adolf)

Donner          (Thunder)

Dedrick          (Ruler Over All People)

Derek             (Ruler)

Dierk / Dirk    (Famous Ruler)

Dino / Dina    (Warrior of the People)

Durin              (Mythical Dwarf)

Dustin            (Valiant Fighter)

Duxi               (Warrior of the People)

Eberhard       (Brave as a Boar)

Edel                (Distinguished)

Edelweiss      (Snow. White)

Edwin             (Prosperous Friend)

Edwina          (See Edwin)

Ellard              (Noble & Brave)

Emerich         (Home Ruler)

Emmet            (Strong Worker)

Emery             (Industrious Ruler)

Emil                (Resourceful Person)

Einstein         (Albert Einstein)

Ernest            (Vigorous)

Ernie              (Variation of Ernest).

Ernst               (Determined)

Eberhard       (Like A Wild Boar)

Edwin             (Prosperous Friend)

Egbert              (Sword; Famous)

Eldwin              (Old Friend)

Ellery              (Lives Near An Elder Tree)

Emery             (Industrious Leader)

Emmett           (Industrious, Strong)

Ellery              (Cheerful)

Ernie              (Variation of Ernest)

Ernest             (Vigorous)

Ernst               (Determined)

Eugen           (Variation of Eugene)

Falk                (Wolf)

Falka              (See Falk)

Ferdinand      (Adventurous; Courageous)

Franz              (Form Of Francis)

Frederick       (Peaceful Ruler)

Ferguson       (Noble & Strong)

Felix               (Lucky)

Fremont         (Guardian of Freedom)

Franz              (Variation of Franciscus)

Friedhold       (Peaceful Ruler)

Fischer           (Fisherman)

Fritz                (Peaceful Ruler)

Gary                (Mighty Spearman)

Garin              (Warrior)

Geert              (Brave And Strong)

Gerald            (Spear King)

Gerard            (Brave)

Guthrie           (War Hero)

Gaston           (Beauty & Beast)

Goethe           (German Poet)

Griswold        (Gray Forest)

Günther         (Warrior)

Gunther         (Battle warrior)

Hahn              (Rooster)

Harvey           (Army Warrior)

Heller             (The Sun)

Helmut           (Courageous)

Helmuth         (Protector)

Hackett           (Wood Cutter)

Hamlin           (One Who Loves His Home)

Hank              (Ruler of an Estate)

Hans              (Variation of Johannes)

Harbin             (Little Shining Fighter)

Hardy             (Adventurous Person)

Hartmann      (Strong as a Deer)

Hartwin          (Brave Friend)

Harvey           (Warrior of the Army)

Henry             (Ruler Of The Household)

Herb               (Glorious Soldier)

Herbert           (Glorious Soldier)

Herman          (Soldier)

Haan              (German city)

Hank              (Also Means Ruler)

Hansel           (Fairy Tale)

Heinrich         (Ruler)

Helmar           (Famous Protector)

. Hertz             (Kind Hearted)

. Herz              (Hardy, Brave)

. Henri              (Home Ruler)

Ido                   (Work)

. Ivo                 (Yew, Cut Wood)

Imre                (Great King)

Jäeger            (Hunter)

Jarman           (A German)

Jackson         (Jack’s Son)

Jacques         (Supplanter)

Jamin             (Right Hand)

Jarvis              (Skilled With A Spear)

Jerry               (Mighty Spearman)

Johan             (Form Of John)

Jimmie           (Supplanter)

Jimmy            (See Jimmie)

Jimmee         (See Jimmie)

Jim                  (See Jimmie)

Jimm               (See Jimmie)

Johannes      (John)

Joker              (Batman, funny)

Juniper          (Ubiquitous tree)

Jupiter            (Father god)

Keene            (Bold; Sharp)
 Kellen           (Swamp)

Kurt                 (Courteous)

Kaiser             (Emperor)

Kasper           (Treasurer)

Kam                (Kameron)

Kameron        (Crooked Nose)

Kant                (Brilliant, Beloved)

Kant                (German philosopher)

Karch             (American volleyball player)

Karl                 (Free Man)

Kaspar           (Variation of Jasper)

Keifer             (Barrel Maker)

Kiel                 (German city)

Klaus              (german name Nicholas)

Kleve              (German city)

Kodiak            (Island)

Kramer           (German Shopkeeper)

Krypto             (Superman’s pet dog)

Lamar             (Famous In The Land)

Lambert          (Radiant Land. Bright)

Lance             (Knight's Attendant)

Leonard         (Brave As A Lion)

Leopold          (Bold Leader)

Loring             (Famous In War)

Lou                 (Famous Warrior)

Louis              (Famous Warrior)

Louis              (Warrior)

Lando             (Famous Country)

Lando             (Star war’s Lando Calrissian)

Landry            (Master of Land)

Leuther          (Famous Warrior)

Lothar             (See Leuther)

Luther             (See Leuther)

Luger              (Old German gun)

Mandel           (Almond)

Manfred         (Man of Peace)

Martin             (From Mars)

Matthias         (Gift From God)

Manfred         (Man Of Peace)

Mayer             (Bringer Of Light)

Medwin          (Powerful Friend)

Miles               (Merciful)

Milo                 (Form Of Miles)

Marcus           (Roman god)

Max                 (Greatest)

Max                 (Short of Maximus)

Maximus        (See Max)

Mercedes       (Mercedes-Benz)

Mozart            (German composer)

Munich          (Capital city of Bavaria)

Norbert           (Hero)

Ogre               (Great Ruler, Friend)

Odo                 (Wealthy)

Odell               (Little Wealthy)

Otis                 (Son Of Otto)

Oskar              (Spear)

Otter                (German city)

Otto                 (Prosperous)

Ozzy               (Divine Spear)

Panzer           (WW-II German tank)

Penrod           (Commander)

Raymond       (Protector)

Panzer           (Armor)

Prinz               (Prince)

Quincy           (Fifth)

Ratt                 (American metal band)

Richard          (Brave One)

Ritter               (Knight)

Roderick        (Famous Ruler)

Roger             (Famous Spearman)

Roth               (Red Haired)

Rowland        (Famous In The Land)

Rudolf            (Famous Wolf)

Rico                (Strong Power)

Rin Tin Tin      (Famous name of GSDs)

Rolf                 (Famous Wolf)

Rolly               (Famous Country)

Rolly               (See Lando)

Rollin             (See Rolly)

Roly                (See Rolly)

Rom                (Highness)

Rudi               (Famous Wolf)

Rolf                 (See Rudi)

Rudy              (See Rudi)

Rudolf            (See Rudi)

Rudolph        (See Rudi)

Stein               (Stone)

Strom              (Stream)

Schatz/e        (little treasure)

Schwartz       (Black)

Terrell             (Thunder Ruler)

Theobold       (Boldest)

Saxon            (Sharp Blade)

Saxon             (Sword)

Schnaps        (Strong Alcoholic Drink)

Schnapps      (Alcoholic drink)

Sigmond        (Protector)

Strongheart   (White Fang of 1925s movie)

Tillie                (Powerful Battler)

Ugo                 (Mind, Heart, Spirit)

Udo                 (Rich, Prosperous)

Ulrik                (Power of the wolf)

Ulbrecht         (Form Of Albert)

Ulrich              (Wolf Ruler)

Varick             (Protecting Ruler)

Verner            (Defending Army)

Vilhelm          (Form Of William)

Vonn              (Little also Von)

Wolfgang       (rising wolf)

Walter           (Powerful Warrior)

Wendell         (Wanderer)

Wilfred            (Determined Peacemaker)

Wolfgang         (Wolf Quarrel)

Waldo             (Ruler)

Walker            (Worker)

Walter             (Ruler of the Army)

Werner           (Protecting Army)

Will                 (Will, Desire)

Will                 (Helmet, Protection)

Willie              (See will)

Wolfe              (Wolf)

Wulf                (Wolf)

Xanten           (German city)

Yohann            (Form Of Johan)

Zelig                 (Blessed One)

Zack               (Lord Remembers)

Zak                 (Pure)

Zaki                (Pure or Virtuous)

Zak                 (See Zaki)

Zellmer           (Ruller of Village)

Ziggy              (Victorious Protector)